Artist. Boat Captain. Founder of NoLA Rising. Ship Agent. Free Thinker. Once and former pilot. Philosopher. Underground Philanthropist. Traveler. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Writer. Recreational party funboy. I do stuff...
30 September 2007
As many of you might have guessed by now, I come across so many interesting people in life. I'd have to say that one of the top 5 interesting people I have met in 2006 was one Miles K*%Y from Austin, Texas. His musical ability is amazing and as he grows in that regard, I am absolutely certain he will be a musical force of tomorrow. Miles helped NoLA Rising out by spreading the message in Austin. Visit Miles at his Myspace page: MILEZO
ANd his band: Avogadro's Number
Thanks, REX
29 September 2007
Someone recently told me that I shouldn't challenge a man because of some of his connections. Well, I do so love a challenge. But, when that man has gone from civic do-gooder to arch-nemesis of the New Orleans artist community...has gone from activist to anarchist, I say NAY - BOO! - SHAME! Here's a link to the growing community of artists who are standing up and saying "NO MORE". In two days, over one hundred people have signed up!
Someone recently told me that I shouldn't challenge a man because of some of his connections. Well, I do so love a challenge. But, when that man has gone from civic do-gooder to arch-nemesis of the New Orleans artist community...has gone from activist to anarchist, I say NAY - BOO! - SHAME! Here's a link to the growing community of artists who are standing up and saying "NO MORE". In two days, over one hundred people have signed up!
28 September 2007
Feeling Grey? - NoLA Rising Ghosted Again
Given a recent escalation of tension between the Grey Ghost and ReX, ReX humbly pulls the previously posted blog article about the differences of opinion between the two. While ReX has seen it as a difference of opinions in the beautification process of the post-Katrina city, he feels it may have escalated beyond that with some parties in the city and pulls the blog article as a show of good faith in the de-escalation process. It has always been the hope of Rex that all New Orleanians feel good about living in their area of the city. With that, let us enjoy the Mardi Gras season that is upon us and have merriment rule the city!

27 September 2007
Even Though I Do Not Know You, I Love You! - NoLA Rising
Howdy All, in the ever-lasting determination to bring art and color to the city, I've put up more street installation pieces for your enjoyment. More to come...More to follow. Though I have plenty of wood at "THE COURTYARD", I brought my saw to work today and started cutting up palates for more wood. Some of them are made of hard wood. So, we'll be looking to have another painting gathering here shortly.
THE GOOD NEWS: NoLA Rising has reached 100 posted signs in the City of New Orleans. There is more coming. More will be available. Next week at the FRERET ART MARKET, there will be some available for sale with the proceeds going to more paint for the Project. Come visit and crush a cup of wine with us! I'll keep you posted... Thanks for supporting NoLA Rising!

THE GOOD NEWS: NoLA Rising has reached 100 posted signs in the City of New Orleans. There is more coming. More will be available. Next week at the FRERET ART MARKET, there will be some available for sale with the proceeds going to more paint for the Project. Come visit and crush a cup of wine with us! I'll keep you posted... Thanks for supporting NoLA Rising!
Much has been going on in the world of NoLA Rising. Currently, there is the exploration of establishing a non-profit foundation for the promotion of public art work in the city of New Orleans. More on this later. In the meantime, NoLA Rising is STILL being brought to you on the streets and funded privately by people who care about ART...

22 September 2007
All the way from Detroit, Michigan
"I think what you and the whole NOLA Rising community is doing is
terrific! I've only visited once, but my heart felt very connected
there. I know our stories are different, circumstances are different,
but we are both in cities that if outside of the US, we'd be sending
money to "help their cause". It's all wrong and backwards, but we can
make it a better place, bit by bit!"
---I will let the person who made this comment remain anonymous. Thank you.

terrific! I've only visited once, but my heart felt very connected
there. I know our stories are different, circumstances are different,
but we are both in cities that if outside of the US, we'd be sending
money to "help their cause". It's all wrong and backwards, but we can
make it a better place, bit by bit!"
---I will let the person who made this comment remain anonymous. Thank you.
21 September 2007
Is use Grey and Gray Indiscriminately...many puns intended - NoLA Rising
Original Blog Article Removed by Order of ReX:
Given a recent escalation of tension between the Grey Ghost and ReX, ReX humbly pulls the previously posted blog article about the differences of opinion between the two. While ReX has seen it as a difference of opinions in the beautification process of the post-Katrina city, he feels it may have escalated beyond that with some parties in the city and pulls the blog article as a show of good faith in the de-escalation process. It has always been the hope of Rex that all New Orleanians feel good about living in their area of the city. With that, let us enjoy the Mardi Gras season that is upon us and have merriment rule the city!
Given a recent escalation of tension between the Grey Ghost and ReX, ReX humbly pulls the previously posted blog article about the differences of opinion between the two. While ReX has seen it as a difference of opinions in the beautification process of the post-Katrina city, he feels it may have escalated beyond that with some parties in the city and pulls the blog article as a show of good faith in the de-escalation process. It has always been the hope of Rex that all New Orleanians feel good about living in their area of the city. With that, let us enjoy the Mardi Gras season that is upon us and have merriment rule the city!
18 September 2007
16 September 2007
Painting Crazy People - NOLA RISING style
DON"T YOU TELL US WE DON"T KNOW HOW TO PARTY! All in all, the happy gathering ended with over fifty pieces done. I'd like to thank everyone for showing up. Naturally, keep your eyes peeled because there's now 50++ more gems of New Orleans that is going to start springing up this week. Maybe, just maybe, I'll keep some in reserve for Art for Art's Sake. And, as always, I encourage you to "MAKE MORE ART" for your neighborhood. Make where you live a fun place to live...

13 September 2007
12 September 2007
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