Thinking for your yourself is often considered rebellious by those who wish to dominate your reality, no matter where you're from or who you are, so i stopped doing as i was told a long time ago. - Inspire (Idiot the Wise)
Artist. Boat Captain. Founder of NoLA Rising. Ship Agent. Free Thinker. Once and former pilot. Philosopher. Underground Philanthropist. Traveler. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Writer. Recreational party funboy. I do stuff...
31 March 2009
Coup D'oeil presents Grissel Guiliano
30 March 2009
NoLA Rising Pirate Paint Party
March 28th
NoLA Rising hosts a small paint party for Pyrate Week Pirates and fun passer-byers. Yes, that's a word.
The weather had finally broken through and left us this beautiful spring day. More pics can be found in Flickr...
Special Thanks to St. Roch Tavern and Cafe
Quote of the day by James Baldwin
For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.
* James Baldwin
* James Baldwin
At Canary Gallery
Canary Gallery in the T-P
Originally uploaded by humidhaney
At Canary Gallery, photographer Zack Smith, Mike "Rex" Dingler of NoLA Rising
29 March 2009
Quote of the Day by Abbie Hoffman
You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists. -- Abbie Hoffman
Bobby Jindal Slashes the ARTS! Urge House Appropriations Committee to Reinstate DAF and Statewide Arts Grants Funding
It's Time to Contact Committee Members NOW!
The Decentralized Arts Funding Program (DAF) grants dollars have basically been zeroed out by the Governor along with a significant cut in Statewide Arts Grants (SAG). The Executive Budget presented in March contained only $515,120 for DAF - an 83% cut - down from last year's $2,984,058! Additionally, last year's budget contained $2,611,204 for SAG and that amount was cut in the Executive Budget by $798,624!
The House Appropriations Committee will be meeting on April 2nd which is next week! NOW is the time to act!
The Louisiana Partnership for Arts Advocacy is advocating for the restoration of $2,468,938 to the DAF program that funds organizations in each parish on a per capita basis and $798,624 to the Statewide Arts Grants that provides stabilization, capacity building and arts in education grants to our major arts organizations and local arts agencies.
Send a message NOW asking the House Appropriations Committee members to support out request for the increase in funding.
It's Time to Contact Committee Members NOW!
The Decentralized Arts Funding Program (DAF) grants dollars have basically been zeroed out by the Governor along with a significant cut in Statewide Arts Grants (SAG). The Executive Budget presented in March contained only $515,120 for DAF - an 83% cut - down from last year's $2,984,058! Additionally, last year's budget contained $2,611,204 for SAG and that amount was cut in the Executive Budget by $798,624!
The House Appropriations Committee will be meeting on April 2nd which is next week! NOW is the time to act!
The Louisiana Partnership for Arts Advocacy is advocating for the restoration of $2,468,938 to the DAF program that funds organizations in each parish on a per capita basis and $798,624 to the Statewide Arts Grants that provides stabilization, capacity building and arts in education grants to our major arts organizations and local arts agencies.
Send a message NOW asking the House Appropriations Committee members to support out request for the increase in funding.
28 March 2009
More Artists Join NoLA Rising for show at the U.S. Mint
Adding to the list of artists who have offered to send something in for the NoLA Rising Fundraiser at the U.S. Mint:
Dr. Bob / Real Abstract / Karen Miller / Pauline Patterson / Dori Ashton / Gracie! / B-Kay / Stevie Collins
I would have had some photos for y'all of some of the art I've already started receiving, but like a true genius, I deleted them from my camera before transferring them to the supercomputer. Thus, I have to re-shoot what I have and yada yada...
Dr. Bob / Real Abstract / Karen Miller / Pauline Patterson / Dori Ashton / Gracie! / B-Kay / Stevie Collins
I would have had some photos for y'all of some of the art I've already started receiving, but like a true genius, I deleted them from my camera before transferring them to the supercomputer. Thus, I have to re-shoot what I have and yada yada...
26 March 2009
Fred Radtke Makes Front Page News
I have received a lot of celebratory calls this week and while there has indeed been a victory, it is not mine to enjoy. Fred Radtke, the man who used his personal vendetta to have me cited for 1,100 counts of posting on telephone poles, has seen his day in court.
Mr. Radtke was cited for criminal damage to private property and plead "no contest" to the charge of criminal trespass. As an end result, Judge Sens ordered Radke to cease his signature gray paint without the prior and express permission of the property owner. According to sources in the media, city and state property is also off limits.
With his plea agreement for his trespassing, Mr. Radtke received a 60 days suspended sentence under a probationary period of 6 months. After the 6 month period, on 21 September 2009, Mr. Radtke will return to court for a status hearing. If his behavior is exemplary, then the charges can cleared from his record. However, any sign of wrong doing on his part and the court can hold him liable for punishment.
In any case, what can we hope has been learned from this tale of vandalism with a good meaning?
First, to the people who support Mr. Radtke, let's hope that the lesson has been that you cannot trust someone who acts on behalf of people who do not want or request for his help.
Second, to Mr. Radtke, let's hope that this can be a time of proper reflection that you have done more harm than good. Having said that, I don't believe your task is finished. What people want from you is simply that you respect what is theirs to respect. You are more aware than most of the numerous products that remove graffiti and yet for years you have persisted in painting street signs, irresponsibly on historic brick, and on peoples' property without their express, written consent. Removing graffiti, not covering it with more vandalism, is but one of the ways to address the noble issue you care so much about. The backlash you have been suffering recently is because of your methods, the disregarding way you've treated the general public and your relentless efforts to make this a Crusade. I feel for you and I extend to you an olive branch...
Third, to the people of New Orleans, this is a minor victory in the overall battle for the welfare of our city. In the past when something has been institutionally broken in New Orleans, it is allowed to continue and exist in its own way. To a certain degree, Mr. Radtke gets to fight on, but he has to do so with the norms of society being applied to him. Perhaps right now he feels a bit like Jean ValJean, unjustly punished for doing the "right" thing.
Some may lament that our city will now look like a ghetto because taggers will be out unabated. To a some degree, you have to address the simple fact that despite all the laws on the books and all the police on the streets, there has been no abatement and there will never likely be. Slathering grey paint over a tag doesn't fix graffiti, it makes it worse (artistically, socially, and economically). You aren't fixing the issue, you are covering it up and then pointing out that the issue still exists.
At no time in the past has anyone ever said his cause isn't a fair one. BUT, they have said his methods are terribly inappropriate on historic property and unlawful without permission from the property owner. What was won yesterday in the plea was not a punishment against Mr. Radtke, but a general sense that at some point, somewhere along the chain of justice, there has to be a time when enough is enough. INDEED, that time has come. Mr. Radtke's blatant chest-pounding about irrational comments that artists are "anarchists, agitators and Members of the Church of Satan" have done little help his cause.
Perhaps this small victory for New Orleans will lead to other much larger victories around the city. We can hope that from this, people can draw hope that other injustices can be won. There is reason to fight on for our grand ole city because if something as minimally important like this can attract so much attention, just imagine what we can do for the housing concerns of Mid-City if we all speak up. Imagine that a collective voice can force the powers that be to address corruption wherever it may reside. Believe it possible that we can conquer the crime problems that we face on a day to day basis. Collectively we can be the change we wish to see.
With that, in the coming months, it will be up to you, the people to watch to make sure Mr. Radtke stays in line. You've asked for justice to prevail and in a very small way, it has. Now, there are rules and guidelines he has to follow and it is up to you to make sure they aren't just brushed over by the police or by him. If you see him painting inappropriately in public: photograph him, call and report him as the perpetrator, and be prepared to give the police an accurate accounting and possibly the approximate cost of the repairs. If the police won't take action, our City Attorneys office can take complaints.
With all that, let us hope it doesn't come to that. No one wants to see people punished here other than what is reasonably applicable. I'm willing to give Mr. Radtke a second chance providing he plays by rules that aren't inconsistent with the culture of New Orleans or the wishes of the people of out fair city.
New Orleans graffiti activist told to keep his hands off
by Doug MacCash, The Times-Picayune
Wednesday March 25, 2009, 9:40 PM
"Some people's trash is another person's treasure, " Sens said after the sentencing.
Mr. Radtke was cited for criminal damage to private property and plead "no contest" to the charge of criminal trespass. As an end result, Judge Sens ordered Radke to cease his signature gray paint without the prior and express permission of the property owner. According to sources in the media, city and state property is also off limits.
With his plea agreement for his trespassing, Mr. Radtke received a 60 days suspended sentence under a probationary period of 6 months. After the 6 month period, on 21 September 2009, Mr. Radtke will return to court for a status hearing. If his behavior is exemplary, then the charges can cleared from his record. However, any sign of wrong doing on his part and the court can hold him liable for punishment.
In any case, what can we hope has been learned from this tale of vandalism with a good meaning?
First, to the people who support Mr. Radtke, let's hope that the lesson has been that you cannot trust someone who acts on behalf of people who do not want or request for his help.
Second, to Mr. Radtke, let's hope that this can be a time of proper reflection that you have done more harm than good. Having said that, I don't believe your task is finished. What people want from you is simply that you respect what is theirs to respect. You are more aware than most of the numerous products that remove graffiti and yet for years you have persisted in painting street signs, irresponsibly on historic brick, and on peoples' property without their express, written consent. Removing graffiti, not covering it with more vandalism, is but one of the ways to address the noble issue you care so much about. The backlash you have been suffering recently is because of your methods, the disregarding way you've treated the general public and your relentless efforts to make this a Crusade. I feel for you and I extend to you an olive branch...
Third, to the people of New Orleans, this is a minor victory in the overall battle for the welfare of our city. In the past when something has been institutionally broken in New Orleans, it is allowed to continue and exist in its own way. To a certain degree, Mr. Radtke gets to fight on, but he has to do so with the norms of society being applied to him. Perhaps right now he feels a bit like Jean ValJean, unjustly punished for doing the "right" thing.
Some may lament that our city will now look like a ghetto because taggers will be out unabated. To a some degree, you have to address the simple fact that despite all the laws on the books and all the police on the streets, there has been no abatement and there will never likely be. Slathering grey paint over a tag doesn't fix graffiti, it makes it worse (artistically, socially, and economically). You aren't fixing the issue, you are covering it up and then pointing out that the issue still exists.
At no time in the past has anyone ever said his cause isn't a fair one. BUT, they have said his methods are terribly inappropriate on historic property and unlawful without permission from the property owner. What was won yesterday in the plea was not a punishment against Mr. Radtke, but a general sense that at some point, somewhere along the chain of justice, there has to be a time when enough is enough. INDEED, that time has come. Mr. Radtke's blatant chest-pounding about irrational comments that artists are "anarchists, agitators and Members of the Church of Satan" have done little help his cause.
Perhaps this small victory for New Orleans will lead to other much larger victories around the city. We can hope that from this, people can draw hope that other injustices can be won. There is reason to fight on for our grand ole city because if something as minimally important like this can attract so much attention, just imagine what we can do for the housing concerns of Mid-City if we all speak up. Imagine that a collective voice can force the powers that be to address corruption wherever it may reside. Believe it possible that we can conquer the crime problems that we face on a day to day basis. Collectively we can be the change we wish to see.
With that, in the coming months, it will be up to you, the people to watch to make sure Mr. Radtke stays in line. You've asked for justice to prevail and in a very small way, it has. Now, there are rules and guidelines he has to follow and it is up to you to make sure they aren't just brushed over by the police or by him. If you see him painting inappropriately in public: photograph him, call and report him as the perpetrator, and be prepared to give the police an accurate accounting and possibly the approximate cost of the repairs. If the police won't take action, our City Attorneys office can take complaints.
With all that, let us hope it doesn't come to that. No one wants to see people punished here other than what is reasonably applicable. I'm willing to give Mr. Radtke a second chance providing he plays by rules that aren't inconsistent with the culture of New Orleans or the wishes of the people of out fair city.
New Orleans graffiti activist told to keep his hands off
by Doug MacCash, The Times-Picayune
Wednesday March 25, 2009, 9:40 PM
"Some people's trash is another person's treasure, " Sens said after the sentencing.
21 March 2009
ARTISTS! NoLA Rising Needs Your Help!
NoLA Rising needs you! NoLA Rising needs your Art!
NoLA Rising is now a non-profit. We rose up from the streets to become an organization of artists whose goal is to encourage people in all neighborhoods of Greater New Orleans to publicly display works of art for the purpose of rebuilding and restoring the human spirit in our city.
NoLA Rising will be announcing a major murals program in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans and will expand to other areas of the city.
In order to do all of this, we need to hit the ground running. As in the past, NoLA Rising has survived because artists have heeded the call to realize a goal larger than their own self-interest and given their time, their talent and their artwork in pursuit of our noble ideals.
NoLA Rising is putting up a fundraiser / show at the U.S. Mint in New Orleans and we’re currently calling for artists to donate a piece of artwork. The hope is that we can raise money to cover the costs needed for starting a major murals program. The event will be held the first weekend of Jazzfest (April 24th-26th) and will be well covered by media (mainstream and not so mainstream).
And what do you get besides a warm, fuzzy feeling inside for doing something good? You get my undying love and gratitude. You get to help be part of the NoLA Rising Movement to beautify a city that government forgot. You get recognition for helping us out and you get to be in an awesome show with some pretty bad-ass artists. Most importantly, you help out the people of New Orleans.
If you are interested, please contact me. On behalf of the NoLA Rising team, we really appreciate anything you can do. Deadline for us to receive artwork or photography will be April 17th.
Paint the change you wish to see!
NoLA Rising
NoLA Rising Already Receiving Support from Artists! - Ray Noland / Dave Warnke / Starhead / Ken Nahan and Nick Hasslock among the first
NoLA Rising initiated its call to artists yesterday for an art show / fundraiser to help in its quest to launch a murals program in the City of New Orleans. Already committed to the line-up is Ray Noland of "Go Tell Mama! I'm for Obama", Dave Warnke, Starhead, Ken Nahan, Cherie Langford and artisan Nick Hasslock of the New Orleans Tile Co.
Art by Ray Noland:

As we begin to receive artwork, we'll be posting here and on Flickr.
Art by Ray Noland:

As we begin to receive artwork, we'll be posting here and on Flickr.
20 March 2009
Alternative Media Expo - New Orleans 2009

Tomorrow is the Alternative Media Expo, ANTIGRAVITY's yearly event that highlights all kinds of media, from 'zines and comics to handmade clothing and crafts to photography, community organizers, filmmakers, musicians and more! We'll have over 100 exhibitors at the Expo!
The Expo begins at noon at the Contemporary Arts Center, which is located at 900 Camp St. in the New Orleans CBD. The show runs until 6pm. Admission is $5 and the first 150 paid attendees get a FREE swag bag provided by the New Orleans Craft Mafia, so get there early!
This year's Special Guests are the fine folks from the Neighborhood Story Project, including members of the Nine Times Social Aid & Pleasure Club. Pass by their table and check out all the excellent books about local neighborhoods by local authors! Read ANTIGRAVITY's cover story on NSP. For a full list of Expo exhibitors, visit the AME website.
Food will be available through Cafe Bamboo and dessert by Popkitty! Coffee and drinks by the CAC's French Market Cafe.
Check out the Expo's pre- and post-parties at One Eyed Jacks:
Tonight is the Dirty Expo, Dirty Coast's annual fashion show that this year features several fashion exhibitors from the AME plus a live art show before and after the runway show, Fleur de Tease and NOLA Ninjas! Plus music by the DJs of Mod Dance Party. Cover is $10 with the first 200 paid attendees receiving discount cards for the Dirty Coast store.
Tomorrow, after the Expo, is a special concert featuring Ballzack and The Buttons! Cover is $10 and doors are for 9pm.
Thanks for supporting homegrown media in New Orleans, and we'll see you at the Expo!
19 March 2009
NoLA Rising Artwork - As Seen on the Streets of New York
As many of y'all know, I'll probably be spending a lot more time going back and forth to New York in the future. Every so often, I leave drawings behind and they magically appear where people can appreciate them. Here is how they end up looking when amazing people take to the streets to support NoLA Rising...{{Right Click & Open Tab on the photos to see them larger}

To all you out there, thanks for helping NoLA Rise!
To all you out there, thanks for helping NoLA Rise!
17 March 2009
12 March 2009
Life of Pi - Yann Martel Quote
"If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams."
-Life of Pi / Yann Martel
-Life of Pi / Yann Martel
11 March 2009
Recent Street Art Around New Orleans
It's been a little slow since Mardi Gras and as we gear up for Antigravity's Fashion Show and Expo and a paint party on the 28th in St. Roch, I thought it would be a good time to get back to the roots of NoLA Rising's beginnings. So, here is a little street art seen around town with a few NoLA Rising pieces thrown into the mix. Fresh for your eyes!

DAN WITZ sharing his realism

GOYA back in town

BORDO rockin' fresh Mardi Gras stuff

ReX leaves behind Mardi Gras presents

ReX leaves behind a presents

Immigrant Prisons = Concentration Camps

Ourselves Alone

DAN WITZ sharing his realism
GOYA back in town
BORDO rockin' fresh Mardi Gras stuff
ReX leaves behind Mardi Gras presents
ReX leaves behind a presents
Immigrant Prisons = Concentration Camps
Ourselves Alone
10 March 2009
Harry Connick Jr Quote
“New Orleans is my essence, my soul, my muse, and I can only dream that one day she will recapture her glory. I will do everything within my power to make that happen and to help in any way I can to ease the suffering of my city, my people!”
---Harry Connick Jr.
---Harry Connick Jr.
Cris Silva Does It Again
Artist Cris Silva does it again. Tonight at Parley's Dream Lounge on Harrison Avenue (in Lakeview), an exhibition of his work from 7:30 until...
And, see Cris's new project THE SILENT ART
Some examples of Cris's past work:

And, see Cris's new project THE SILENT ART
Some examples of Cris's past work:
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