Job Openings: Silence is Violence
Deadline August 30, 2011
Silence Is Violence seeks artists for Fall semester Peace Clubs. Hosted in different public schools in Orleans Parish, including all of the alternative schools of New Orleans, the artist-run Peace Clubs provide an environment for the students to actually see and use art as an alternative expression to violence. Local artists run weekly workshops, leading the students on a project that helps them express their communities' issues through their own eyes.
As our students generally come from the most challenging environments with little formal exposure to the arts, these clubs give them an opportunity to experiment with different art forms, discuss their everyday life concerns in a comfortable environment, and be exposed to positive role models working in the community. The art projects are diverse and include painting, poetry, dance, theater, second-line culture, and film. The professional artists who lead the clubs are very familiar with these students' challenges and use these connections to inspire and motivate the students.
Please send resume, contact information, and brief bio to: nolamusicclinics [at]