Morgus? Morgus!!

(Discosure: It may be due to the orbital mind control lasers, but I have recently taken on the duties of spearheading the COGs new effort to take over the Internet. Just like Filbert I am unpaid and do so simply to avoid the wrath of Pinkerton. -Loki)
A few days ago I promised to share the story of my fateful misadventures at the Consortium of Genius‘ Secret Lab. Well, it has taken that long for me to recover from the experiments of those mad scientists. So now I can tell you of the secret war going on behind the scenes here in New Orleans, the battle of super science that is about to come to a head. The two most dangerous mad scientist in our city’s history are about to go toe to toe! In one corner we have a man who has pushed the boundaries of science for 49 years from his lab in the Old Icehouse. . I am speaking of none other than Momus Alexander Morgus himself! Squaring off against him is none other than Dr. Milo Thaddeus Pinkerton III, founder and leader of the COG!

Anyway, I was minding my own business walking through the Tuoro Bouligny when a flying car set down next to me and two figures leaped out. The next thing I knew I was being dragged into the vehicle by one other than Dr. A. Rachind and Dr. Z. These two enemies of everything took me back to the Secret Lab and forced me to undergo experiments so gruesome that I cannot even now bring myself to describe it. So there I was surrounded by some of the most feared (mostly for their unpredictable malfunctions) items of super-science in the city limits when Pinkerton got distracted.
It was a video call from Morgus himself. I’ve been able to hack a video of it here. While Pinkerton stepped over a line few New Orleanians ever have, I slipped my bonds and escaped. I still cannot believe he had the audacity to shout at Morgus! Sneaking past the others was easy as Dr. A. Rachnid was concentrating on peering through the keyhole of a door that said “The Harem of Dr. Z.” on it.
Volunteers in the HumidCity underground tell me that things will be coming to a head on March the seventh (TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT) at One Eyed Jacks. If our operatives are correct we will see COG vs. not only Morgus the Magnificent, but also vs. Rock City Morgue!
[This is the first time in a long time Sid Noel has put on the Morgus persona, he is almost 80 years old now. I hope this is not his final appearance in character. If it does turn out to be, then it is a truly fitting one. Wait until you see the episode. It not only showcases two of my personal favorite local bands, but it also give a great tour of some classic NOLA locales in the process. 10 point to anyone who can identify which local band the guy in the comic book shop sequence plays for (the one on the stool who doesn’t look up)! Good stuff and highly worth it just to see the episode on the big screen. I also gather that it is an EP release for Rock City Morgue. How can you not attend?]
Loki, Founder, HumidCity
Photos courtesy of The Official Morgus the Magnificent Website and ddagradi on Flickr
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