New, custom made posters showcasing the fighting spirit of NoLA Rising is now available through our good friend and ally, Mags. If you would like one of these beautifully appointed posters for your collection, visit Mags at
Those of us at NoLA Rising are looking forward to having Mags back at home (in NoLA) where she belongs. For those of y'all interested. This will also be the design of our first solo t-shirt. Stickers of this design will be coming out in the next week or so.
Plans are also well underway for our partnership with DEFEND NEW ORLEANS for a joint venture shirt coming out this fall. This strategic partnership transcends business as we are in the final stages of setting up our status in Louisiana as a non-profit, where J.C. of D.N.O. has decided to join the board and continue the battle for the culture of New Orleans on another front.
should we get these made into garden flags?