Firstly, NoLA Rising would like to thank the Louisiana State Museum system and the staff at the Old U.S. Mint at 400 Esplanade Avenue. Without your support in our cause and the belief that art does make a difference in the daily lives of our citizenry, we couldn't have had such a wonderful space.
Next, we'd like to thank our dedicated group of volunteers who gave their time and effort to helping us produce a well-executed and highly successful show. Without them, we'd have been like a bunch of chickens running around with our heads cut off.
And then, without the vast support of the artists who have supported us, from New Orleans and from across the world, we surely could not have made this happen. Without a doubt, I am honored and deeply touched by the support that has constantly been shown to myself and NoLA Rising from amazing artists of all calibers. Our continued solidarity not only makes our ability to showcase emerging artists, but strengthens the community of artists who believe in ideals that are greater than the individual. I am thankful that your artistic efforts allow us to build the framework for a more beautiful New Orleans.
To all who came out and supported us, and those who supported us leading up to the event, and those who will continue to support us, let is be shown that a small group of dedicated people are accomplishing great things for a noble cause.
ReX salutes you all!
Now for a few pics from the show:
CONO & ReX collaboration
Mia Kaplan
Tony Nozero
Joe Iurato
Real Abstract
Thanks to everyone yet again!!!
Hey Y'all! Great Show!
ReplyDeleteLast night I dreamed were having a crab berl along that wall by the railroad tracks between Chartres and Royal. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Lots of folks and this really good little hobo band up on that loading dock across the street.
NOLA Rising was handing out Custom Painted Surgical Mask. I kid you not. Rex had a big box of Silk Screen frames of so nearly infinite sizes and shapes, the largest being the size of a surgical mask. Y'all were all out there with da'kids, screening and painting-up these surgical masks and handing them out to passersby. Occasionally, a bike clown would come by and load up and ride of to distribute them wherever clowns on bikes ride.
Jus'saying, that is what I dreamed... last night... then the sunlight got as crisp as Blue Velvet and I had to wake up.
Just a dream, but I remember laughing out loud, thinking...
of course!
Thanks youz,
Editilla~New Orleans Ladder
That is hysterically awesome! What an amazing dream! :)