Peyton Manning may not play for the Saints, but he's still one of New Orleans' favorite sons. Joe Iurato has done an amazing commission of Peyton. Enjoy!
Artist. Boat Captain. Founder of NoLA Rising. Ship Agent. Free Thinker. Once and former pilot. Philosopher. Underground Philanthropist. Traveler. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Writer. Recreational party funboy. I do stuff...
28 September 2009
22 September 2009
Quote of the Day by Chris McCandless (a.k.a. Alexander Supertramp)
"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
— Chris McCandless
— Chris McCandless
Call for Art for Atlanta's Enjoy Art Design Group for Intervention Programs
for children and youth at risk
The SILENT AUCTION for Enjoy Art Design Group, Inc.’s creative intervention program, ArtReach, is an evening Art Benefit complete with live music entertainment and refreshments. This event is essential to raising funds for Enjoy Art’s Programs and Services to Atlanta community and municipal organizations working on behalf of children and youth who live in Empowerment Zone neighborhoods.
Effective community youth organizations help youth to beat the odds of early pregnancy and juvenile delinquency. Research indicates that one of the most effective ways to reduce children’s risk is to bond with positive, pro-social family members, teachers, or other significant adults. Arts programs have been particularly successful at attracting youth because they allow an atmosphere conducive to bonding and learning positive standards of behaviors while allowing youth to receive the positive attention from others that they crave. The research shows that arts integrated learning goes beyond the basics and test scores, and that it encourages students to become better thinkers, develop higher order skills, and deepen their inclination to learn.
Realizing the critical need for an organized art program for teens in Atlanta, in 1995 Fulton County Juvenile Courts created Art At Work, a program that employs teens, but they are limited to 20-25 participants each year (ages 14-16 years old). In 2007, Enjoy Art formed ArtReach, a creative intervention program that works with children and youth from grades K-12, and has partnered with Families First Group Homes, The Study Hall at Emmaus House, Operation Peace, AFPL Public Libraries, and served average of 60 youth each week in 2007. In November of last year ArtReach became an approved provider for Juvenile Courts Clients. However, more funding is needed to provide paid Staff, classroom/studio space, and equipment to expand our services.
Artists from the community are donating and contributing artwork to be auctioned to help the cause. These include International Artist- Marco Razo, 'YOUR NAME HERE', Maximo Pizarro, Cynthia Streater, Inobe, L-, and more to come. Paintings produced by teens and children in ArtReach Workshops in Atlanta during the fall of 2009 will also be auctioned to help raise funds at this event. A Form for Art Submissions is attached should you decide to particpate. Please complete and reply to and copy to: Feel free to pass this information to other Artists. The deadline is November 1, 2009.
SATURDAY DECEMBER 5th, 2009 8pm-9pm – Open Bidding and repeating slideshow of EADG Activities 9pm- 9:15pm – Introduction/Welcome-Emcee and Enjoy Art Staff 9:15pm-9:20pm – Slideshow of Enjoy Art Impact (and Needs) 9:20pm-9:40pm – Guest Speaker- Beatrice Copeland, Program Director/The Study Hall 9:40-9:55 –Recognition of Artists and Introduction of Event Entertainment 9:55pm-10:30pm – Inobe Performance 10:30pm-10:45pm – Giveaways & Donor Recognition 10:45pm- 11:00pm – Thank You, and Event Close
for children and youth at risk
The SILENT AUCTION for Enjoy Art Design Group, Inc.’s creative intervention program, ArtReach, is an evening Art Benefit complete with live music entertainment and refreshments. This event is essential to raising funds for Enjoy Art’s Programs and Services to Atlanta community and municipal organizations working on behalf of children and youth who live in Empowerment Zone neighborhoods.
Effective community youth organizations help youth to beat the odds of early pregnancy and juvenile delinquency. Research indicates that one of the most effective ways to reduce children’s risk is to bond with positive, pro-social family members, teachers, or other significant adults. Arts programs have been particularly successful at attracting youth because they allow an atmosphere conducive to bonding and learning positive standards of behaviors while allowing youth to receive the positive attention from others that they crave. The research shows that arts integrated learning goes beyond the basics and test scores, and that it encourages students to become better thinkers, develop higher order skills, and deepen their inclination to learn.
Realizing the critical need for an organized art program for teens in Atlanta, in 1995 Fulton County Juvenile Courts created Art At Work, a program that employs teens, but they are limited to 20-25 participants each year (ages 14-16 years old). In 2007, Enjoy Art formed ArtReach, a creative intervention program that works with children and youth from grades K-12, and has partnered with Families First Group Homes, The Study Hall at Emmaus House, Operation Peace, AFPL Public Libraries, and served average of 60 youth each week in 2007. In November of last year ArtReach became an approved provider for Juvenile Courts Clients. However, more funding is needed to provide paid Staff, classroom/studio space, and equipment to expand our services.
Artists from the community are donating and contributing artwork to be auctioned to help the cause. These include International Artist- Marco Razo, 'YOUR NAME HERE', Maximo Pizarro, Cynthia Streater, Inobe, L-, and more to come. Paintings produced by teens and children in ArtReach Workshops in Atlanta during the fall of 2009 will also be auctioned to help raise funds at this event. A Form for Art Submissions is attached should you decide to particpate. Please complete and reply to and copy to: Feel free to pass this information to other Artists. The deadline is November 1, 2009.
SATURDAY DECEMBER 5th, 2009 8pm-9pm – Open Bidding and repeating slideshow of EADG Activities 9pm- 9:15pm – Introduction/Welcome-Emcee and Enjoy Art Staff 9:15pm-9:20pm – Slideshow of Enjoy Art Impact (and Needs) 9:20pm-9:40pm – Guest Speaker- Beatrice Copeland, Program Director/The Study Hall 9:40-9:55 –Recognition of Artists and Introduction of Event Entertainment 9:55pm-10:30pm – Inobe Performance 10:30pm-10:45pm – Giveaways & Donor Recognition 10:45pm- 11:00pm – Thank You, and Event Close
18 September 2009
Save Charity Hospital Concert

All Charity Hospital babies and supporters are invited to join us at the Howlin' Wolf (907 S. Peters St.) on September 19th at 8PM for a huge benefit concert featuring the Low Rider Band, DJ Captain Charles, Tony Hall, Raymond Weber, John Gros, Ian Neville, and additional special guests...
September 19th, 2009 is a significant day and not just because there's an amazing musical line-up. It is the fourth anniversary of the shuttering of Charity Hospital without the legislative approval required by law. The decision to close Charity Hospital at that time remains a huge setback for our city.
Contrary to the claims of state officials, Charity Hospital was not destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. In fact, teams of doctors, nurses, and military personnel from the U.S.S. Iwo Jima worked around the clock to scrub the hospital clean so that it was ready to receive patients on the day it was shut down.
Click here for photos of the hospital's condition on the day of its closure.
The concert on September 19th will not only help sustain the grassroots and financial momentum of the Save Charity Hospital movement, but will provide another opportunity to fill out more postcards to our City Council reiterating our long-standing requests: An independent side-by-side cost benefit analysis of the two competing hospital proposals, the official hearings before the City Planning Commission and City Council required by law, and the inclusion of an evaluation of the hospital proposals within the ongoing master planning process.
For Tickets:
To Learn More:
15 September 2009
14 September 2009
This is Limbo...
transmissions to the elsewhere
11 September 2009
City One Minutes at ANTENNA GALLERY - New Orleans

Antenna Gallery at 3161 Burgundy Street presents CITY ONE MINUTES, a series of one minute films by:
Alesondra Davis
Rex Dingler
Andrea Dupree
Marsha Ercegovic
Mike Johnson
Ken Kenan
Janneke Kupfer
Ken McCarthy
Lala Rascic
Vava Stojandinovic
Nanthanjan Van Dijk
Tom Varisco
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, September 12th, 2009, 6-9 pm
Viewing availanle Sept 4th - Oct 4th 12-5pm or by appointment
A member of St. Claude Arts District
05 September 2009

Tony Nozero has been making the rounds lately and the folks here at NoLA Rising are glad to see him at one of our favorite new venues, Coup d'oeil Art Consortium on Magazine Street (almost right across from Juan's Flying Burrito). Come join us!. See y'all tonight at Tony's show...7 pm...
NoLA Rising
04 September 2009
The Magnificent Seven - Galerie Gigi

The Magnificent Seven at Galerie Gigi, Saturday, September 5th at 6 p.m.
"The Magnificent 7 features New Orleans Artists who articulate figurative relations in their work", explains curator Terrence Sanders. "New Orleans has a strong tradition of draftsman who are rooted in the practice of drawing and painting. These young draftsman featured in this exhibition are the not so distant cousins of Dali, Van Gogh, Basquiat, and even Alex Katz." While the figure is a powerful tool for the artists, each piece articulates its message through a diverse range of techniques and processes. "New Orleans is fast growing into a Contemporary Art hub" explains Sanders, "but will never in my opinion lose it's influence on new painters that explore the representational aspects of the human figure."
The artists include Blaine Capone, Colin Meneghini, Anthony Carriere, Tony Nozero, Bruce Davenport, Steve Soltis and Chad Moore.
WHO: Group exhibition featuring 7 local artists
WHAT: "The Magnificent 7" art exhibition
WHEN: September 5th - October 1st, Opening Reception Sept. 5th at 6PM
WHERE: Galerie Gigi, 627 St. Peter (In the Quarter between Royal and Chartres)
For more info, pls CLICK HERE

03 September 2009
02 September 2009
Burlesque 101 :: Student Showcase II :: Allways Lounge
Just wanted to give a head's up that this Thursday, September 3rd is the 2nd Burlesque 101 Student Showcase. It's at the Allways Lounge--2240 St. Claude Ave--at 9pm. Cost is $5 at the door. Come check out some of the newest burlesque in the city and see what these girls are really learning in class;)
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