In gearing up for the birthday weekend from HELL, on Friday, November 6th, this is where you'll find the crew partying the night before the art show...
The 2nd installment of Big Band Theory- the audio visual psychadelic experienct brought to you by New Orleans photographer/musician Zack Smith and 3D art pioneer Heidi Domangue - please come and spread the good word!!
The Big Bang Theory II
Monika H Band featuring Simon Lott (NY/NOLA)
Metronome the City (NOLA)
Custom "Spin-Art" Machine
3D Interactive Art Installation by artist Heidi Domangue
Visual Projections by Zack Smith
Friday, November 6th
The Hi Ho Lounge
2239 St. Claude Ave.
Some information on NY composer, musician, and rocking Monika H :
"Seriously gifted vocalist-composer Monika Heidemann, a jazzer with the heart of a rocker (or is it the other way around?), celebrates the release of her new CD, Disguised as Umbrellas, We Slept, which includes a whole faceful of new songs that combine literate verse, smart attitude and punchy psychedelic-rock textures." -Time Out NY, 10/22/08
"Humor and gloom stroll hand in hand on Monika Heidemann's new album, Disguised As Umbrellas, We Slept. Heidemann works her incantatory magic within a limited yet compelling vocal range, and she's smart enough to get out of the way and let her excellent band -- which includes members of Charlie Hunter's and Me'Shell NdegeOcello's groups -- explore spacier regions of the prog-jazz continuum." - Villiage Voice, 10/17/08
MUSIC - http://www.myspace.com/monikahband
INTVW w/ URB ALT (ny) - http://urbalt.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2151229%3ABlogPost%3A48861&xgs=1