16 August 2007

Grey Ghost throws down the glove

This beautifully appointed sign resides at the corner of St. Andrew and Magazine. Designed originally to add color to the neighborhood while informing passer-byers walking through the neighborhood what street they had come to, it has recently lost its luster due to one villainous Fred RAdTke.It has since been re-beautified (?) by black marker by an outstanding citizen who must've like the sign enough to stop and attempt to color in the lettering that existed. Boo to Fred. You get the Rex Flying Toaster award for the week. Of which, I'm sure you'll achieve many. But be warned...while the antics remain friendly...get five toasters and reciprocity will be in kind. };-)

1 comment:

  1. While I appreciate the Grey Ghost's efforts in covering up real graffiti, his recent cover ups over NOLA Rising in the LGD disgusts me. I live in the LGD and appreciate the hand painted signs. Shame on Fred for being indiscriminate!
